Sunday, September 14, 2014

"AIMI vs. USA" Phone Conferences

Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill ("AIMI") plans an action in International Court to (i) win restitution for victims of human trafficking - people who were denied psychiatric and/or drug and alcohol treatment in order to enrich prison investors, (ii) win restitution for victims of mentally ill people and drug/alcohol addicts who were denied treatment, and (iii) help decriminalize mental illness and drug/alcohol addictions in the USA by demanding punitive damages for the failure of the United States, a United Nations member state, to adhere to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention Against Torture, and other international laws, treaties, and conventions regarding human rights, particularly the rights of individuals with health disabilities. The action will be filed in 2015 by an International Human Rights Lawyer.

Please note that AIMI vs. USA will only sue for monetary damages, not for release of prisoners or policy changes. AIMI believes that if enough money is paid by the United States to persons whose human rights are or were violated, policy changes will be a natural consequence of the international exposure and financial loss resulting from this lawsuit. Claimants are encouraged to continue using regular legal channels to seek prisoners' releases and humane incarcerations. AIMI will sue for monetary compensation to our claimants for pain and suffering. Generally, persons who have already settled monetary claims for personal injuries and deaths will be ineligible as claimants for AIMI vs. USA, but feel free to apply.

Potential claimants are invited to phone conferences on the first Saturday and Sunday mornings of each month, using the telephone numbers listed below.

Conferences begin at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time. You can connect with the conferences at FreeConferenceCall dial-in number (605)562-0020, Meeting I.D. Code: 992-212-650. If that fails, the backup number is (805)360-1075. Learn more about this international action to win restitution for Claimants and change for America. If you experience problems connecting, call and report problems to the director, Mary Neal. (Please note that 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time is 10:00 a.m. Mountain, 11:00 a.m. Central, and 12 noon Eastern.) We will no longer use Blogtalkradio for claimants conferences because it is used for a reentry program on Saturday nights.

Most of our claimants have a close relative or next friend who has experienced or is experiencing long-term homelessness, brutality by community members or police officers or jail and prison guards, prison torture (including long-term solitary confinement) or wrongful death, especially under the color of law. Other acts of discrimination will be considered, such as the government's neglect to provide timely, appropriate psychiatric services or adequate special education services, as well as housing discrimination.

Tapes are available for listening any time. "AIMI vs. USA" has had EIGHT claimants conferences. They are scheduled for the first Saturday and Sunday of each month. Thank you for sharing.

1. AIMI vs. USA Claimants Conference Nov 2

Claimants: Brenda Anderson, Fred Hayes, Olga Garcia, and Jillian 

2. AIMI vs. USA Claimants Conference Nov 1

3. Hear stories of some plaintiffs in "AIMI vs. USA" in International Court 2015 regarding denial of human and civil rights for the mentally ill - October 5, 2014

4.  Interview with Joanna re housing discrimination - October 4, 2014
Today's guest discussed her federal housing discrimination and alleges that she received retribution through the Social Security Admn. when she complained against HUD regarding her illegal eviction. Our AIMI vs. USA in International Court 2015 conference incurred interference at and was recorded at Blogtalkradio.

5.  My mother, Hattie Neal, joined AIMI vs. USA claimants, September 14, 2014
Hattie Neal, 91, asked the government to please tell her how Larry Neal was murdered after 18 days of secret arrest. She made this request during the last minutes of her interview on Human Rights Demand channel at Blogtalkradio on September 14, 2014.

6.  "AIMI vs. USA Plaintiffs Conference" September 13, 2014

7. and 8.  "AIMI vs. USA" Plaintiff Conferences September 6 and 7, 2014
Hear conference calls by computer rss at

Some participants experienced trouble connecting with "AIMI vs. USA" phone conferences in September. If the interference continues, we will seek assistance from the United Nations. People with mental illness and drug/alcohol addictions are worth a great deal of money to prison investors in government; therefore, "AIMI vs. USA" is greatly feared. Taxpayers are billed over $80 billion per year for America's prison expenditures, and more than half of the inmates are mentally ill people. Another reason for censorship that most "AIMI vs. USA" Claimants reveal crimes against humanity that happened or are still happening to Americans with mental disabilities, including prisoner torture and wrongful deaths. These revelations are embarrassing. 

If you have difficulty joining the phone conferences, please email Mary Neal at, and call (678)531.0262 or (571)335-1741. Title your email "AIMI vs. USA." You can also use the comment field of any article in 

"AIMI-HumanRights" blog at 
or Dog Justice for Mentally Ill blog at
Leave your email address and/or phone number, and AIMI contact you. 

Despite the illegal interference, this matter will go before to the International Court in 2015. Mentally ill people and drug/alcohol addicts who are poor or middle class deserve treatment, not torturous incarceration in long-term solitary confinement, denied visits and phone calls sometimes for years. We, the families and next friends of mentally ill people in the USA, will demand restitution for negligence, police brutality, prisoner torture, and wrongful deaths in the United Nations and request that body to mandate appropriate changes in the United States to respect the human rights of mentally ill persons, drug/alcohol dependent people, and their families. Up 100 families from both classes will be accepted. The closing date to enter "AIMI vs. USA" lawsuit in International Court will be in the summer of 2015, so please share this announcement. 

Change is happening. 

"Los Angeles to Offer Treatment Instead of Jail for Mentally Ill Offenders"
Thank you for participating and being a change-maker. 

Thank you for joining AIMI's fight to decriminalize mental illness in the 
United States of America.
Mary Neal, Director of Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill ("AIMI")
Phone: (678)531.0262 or (571)335-1741
Wrongful Death of Larry Neal 
MaryLovesJustice Articles and Radio Broadcasts
Mary Neal is also known as "MaryLovesJustice"

It would be illegal to keep a dog in a tight space 23 hours a day and gas or Taser him for barking. It would be illegal to put a dog in deadly restraint for control. That happens to mentally ill people routinely in the nation's correctional facilities. What happened to Larry Neal?

Mentally Ill Americans Need Dog Justice. Treat mental illness medically, not legally. Please advocate for your congresspersons to pass H.R.3717 - The "Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act." Try to elect people who support human rights and justice for all, not prison investors who have a conflict of interest in voting to decriminalize mental illness in the United States of America, an equal opportunity nation.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

AIMI vs. USA for Mentally Ill Persons

"AIMI vs. USA" in International Court. Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill (AIMI) plans an international legal action against the USA for criminalizing mental illness. Hear an audio file with my mother, Hattie Neal, plus Olga Garcia-Verastegui, and Gloria Johnson joined us on air 9/14/14, discussing H.R.3717 and "AIMI vs. USA." Mothers of wrongful death victims like Larry Neal look forward to court .

AIMI seeks substantial financial restitution for Claimants and change in how mental illness and drug/alcohol addictions are treated in the USA ($10 billion). AIMI will be represented by an international lawyer. AIMI will present a class of 100 Claimants who suffered long-term homelessness, incarceration, brutal arrests, prisoner torture (beatings, long-term solitary confinement), abuse in hospitals, and wrongful deaths (limited to 100 claimants). AIMI will present another class of 100 Claimants who were harmed by persons with untreated mental illness and drug/alcohol addictions, including aggravated assaults, rapes, robberies, and wrongful deaths.

"AIMI vs. USA" will be filed with the International Court in 2015. All Claimants' cases will be reviewed by the International Lawyer and those selected will be presented in the legal action for recovery of damages.

Phone conference to join Claimants in "AIMI vs. USA" in International Court are held on the first weekend in every month at 9am Pacific time, 10am Mountain Time, 11am Central and 12 noon Eastern. Beginning dates were September 6 and September 7.
You can connect with the conference at
Dial-in Number: (605) 562-0020 Meeting ID Code: 992-212-650
(Please use (805)360-1075 as a backup number for calls that experience trouble getting through.)You can also connect with the conference at Blogtalkradio number (347) 857-3293
Recordings of the conferences are saved online at RSS
Hear the most recent recording of AIMI's telephone conferences by dialing
(605) 562-0029, Meeting ID Code: 992-212-650

Please indicate your interest in becoming a Claimant by emailing Mary Neal (contact information is below), or by joining the next Claimants phone conference. A special phone conference will be held September 13, 2014 at 9am Pacific. Use the contact information above to connect.

Taxpayers pay many billions of dollars annually to address mental illness and pay prison costs, but few people are actually helped. Mental illness must no longer be criminalized in the United States to earn prison profits. Sick people deserve adequate and timely psychiatric care and drug/alcohol treatment to be restored to wholesome lives. Most also need subsistence assistance (food and housing), not homelessness, police brutality, prison torture, or death.

Today, at least 1.25 million of American prisoners are mentally ill people, and the nation's prison cost is over $80 billion per year. At least half of the prison costs result from imprisoning people with drug/alcohol addictions and mental illnesseses, including PTSD, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and others.

Sick people's behavior ordinarily repeats after prison release, because no provisions are made for their continuous treatment and subsistence after prison release. "AIMI vs. USA" will recommend the International Court have the USA institute changes that will (i) help affected persons, (ii) increase community safety, and (iii) reduce America's annual prison costs. For more information, please contact AIMI's director.

It is WRONG to use American surveillance technology and personnel to prevent advocacy against human trafficking in the USA. See the proof at - the "Justice Gagged" blog.
Use the contact information below to connect to Mary Neal, AIMI's director.

Mary Neal, a/k/a MaryLovesJustice
Director of Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill (AIMI)
Director of Dog Justice for Mentally Ill
Website: Wrongful Death of Larry Neal
(678)531.0262 or Google Voice (571)335-1741
SEE ALSO "AIMI vs. USA - United Nations" (first article in this blog)

Pictured below are four persons who are or were adversely affected by criminalizing mental illness in the USA (left to right, beginning at the top row): Terrell Scott, held 5 years without trial in Pennsylvania, mostly in solitary confinement; Brian C. Claunch, a mentally ill double-amputee in Texas, shot to death by police in his care home while he was armed only with a ballpoint pen; Kelly Thomas, a homeless mentally ill man who was beaten to death by six Fullerton County, CA police officers; and Larry Neal, who was secretly arrested in Memphis/Shelby County, Tennessee Jail and held under secret incarceration for 18 days and murdered in 2003 by yet undisclosed means (an illegal government cover-up). Like many thousands of people with serious mental illnesses, Larry Neal was released after 20+ years as a psychiatric inpatient when Medicaid insurance was removed from treating people in psychiatric hospitals in the 1960s and early 1970s.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

AIMI vs. USA - United Nations

This blog will carry information about the "AIMI vs. USA" action in International Court against the USA to decriminalize mental illness and replace punishment with treatment for all mentally ill and drug/alcohol addicts: "AIMI vs. the USA in International Court." The link to access this blog online is

Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill ("AIMI") plans an action in International Court against the USA on behalf of 100 people who were brutalized by police or in detention and/or killed during incarceration or on our streets because of untreated mental illness and drug/alcohol addictions. Offenses include:  long-term homelessness, long-term solitary confinement, physical abuse, and wrongful deaths. Claimants will also include another 100 people who have been beaten, raped, robbed, or killed by untreated mentally ill people or drug/alcohol addicts. We seek financial restitution for the Claimants plus changes to decriminalize mental illness in the USA. We must replace punishment with treatment for persons with mental health disabilities and drug/alcohol addictions. See more information at this article: "AIMI vs. USA in Int'l Court"

Call Mary Neal, director of AIMI, at 678.531.0262. My Google Voice line is (571)335-1741. Or email Prison investors often prevent my phone from ringing and steal my emails. Please be persistent. We must work together to avoid the victimization that often results in deaths like those recorded in "Dog Justice for Mentally Ill" blog at

Please listen to our weekly broadcasts on Wednesday nights at 9pm Pacific: "Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill" on Blogtalkradio, sponsored by National Network in Action. The public is invited to call-in at (818)572-2947. Shows are available broadcast live, and previously recorded shows are archived at

AIMI holds monthly Claimants' meetings during the first weekend of each month, beginning Saturday and Sunday, September 6 and 7, 2014. All meetings are taped and available to the public. Use the rss link:

AIMI helps people without consideration to their race, ethnicity, gender, socio-economic status, religion, political party, or any other division among people. We believe that America has 1.25 million mentally ill prisoners because the criminal justice system is run by prison investors who work as judges, lawyers, prosecutors, forensic lab technicians, lawmakers, and Justice Department personnel. A conflict of interest exists in this system where government employees and officials benefit financially as prison investors whenever an American defendant is sentenced to prison. This conflict of interest is wrongly overlooked by justice officials who are themselves prison investors and must be addressed by the United Nations.

AIMI will seek financial restitution for Claimants as well as directives from the United Nations that will address mass incarceration in the United States of America, particularly as it concerns the mentally ill. To punish or kill people for having physical or mental handicaps violates the U.S. Constitution and the International Declaration of Human Rights plus the moral sensibilities of society.

Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction. Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy. ~Proverbs 31:8-9

Follow our blog: Dog Justice for Mentally Ill
Join Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill (AIMI) at 
~Blogtalkradio (Wednesdays, 9pm Pacific, (818)572-2947)
(AIMI's Mission Statement is at AIMI at Care2's "Welcome")
Access all of Mary Neal's blogs and radio programs at this link:
Our work is censored, because many prison investors oppose advocacy to end criminalization of mental illness. We rely on you to help announce our efforts to your friends and online networks.